About us

Fotka artmagico family

We are a Czech family business founded in 2021, offering art supplies for all talented artists - professionals and amateurs.

Our goal is to offer quality products that will satisfy the discerning client, but at prices that will not break the tight family budget in these difficult times. When choosing our suppliers, we make sure that the product satisfies the most demanding customer, so we test and select them very carefully before offering them to you. Individual products are manufactured virtually all over the world to achieve the best quality and price at the same time.

Our brand aims to find the creative soul in all of us and help develop it, not only by offering quality and user-friendly products, but also through the support, guidance and inspiration we will share here and on social media.

A common question is why Artmagico was created in the first place? Míša has loved to paint since she was a little girl, she attended art clubs with artists who inspired her a lot in her work. However, she has never described her creations as art, only as a hobby to relax from school, work and now motherhood and running a household. One day she went for a walk with our young son and along the way she discovered a small stone - a small red one with the words "Everything will be alright". Since we didn't know what it was at the time, she took a picture of the pebble for her friends who introduced her to "traveling stones", a current hit not only in the Czech Republic. It wouldn't be Míša if she hadn't decided to draw something with our fart too, but the prices for acrylic markers seemed exorbitant, so she went online and ordered some markers according to 4000 positive references. After a month, the markers arrived, which made her want to cry, they didn't cover at all and were suitable for drawing on paper for her son, and she also spent several hundred crowns on them. She grumbled that she was no longer surprised that many people just collected the stones, because spending those sums was really crazy. At that moment I felt sorry for her and said, "If you think you can do it better and cheaper, try doing it yourself." Basically, I didn't even finish and Misha had already put on a "glove" which I inadvertently threw into an imaginary ring. She had written to hundreds of art product companies around the world and ordered dozens of different types of acrylic markers and paints. The more she got into it, the more excited she became about the idea of not just offering markers for rhinestones, but to start an entire brand offering modern, high quality, non-toxic and affordable art materials, creating a brand that allows us to find the creative potential in all of us. At the same time, we try to think about the environment, which is why our products are not packaged in excess plastic and we choose the most ecological and reusable packaging.

Our mission

Our goal is to find and foster the creative spirit within each of us and to help us find the potential we don't even know we have. Drawing and painting is a long recognized remedy for stress and tension. Painting allows a person to relax whether they create a work of art or just a few lines. The process of painting itself has beneficial effects, if the painter is satisfied with the result and is also praised, it becomes a boost to his/her further work and improvement.

Nowadays, a large part of the population (not only children) has the problem of not having hobbies and interests and spending most of their time in front of the TV or looking at their mobile phones. We at Artmagic offer modern products that can make even an inexperienced painter create beautiful works of art. We want to inspire all the "hidden" artists to pick up paints, markers or pencils and show what's really there. Because art is magic and can do great wonders.

Martin & Míša

We support

We're a company, but we're also a family, so we are deeply touched by the sad stories of families who meet difficult fates. Since we are not indifferent to the fate of these families, we agreed, before the launch of our brand, to financially support the Chance for Cancer Foundation and send a portion of each product we sell to their account.

The organization "Chance for Children with Cancer Foundation" was founded in 2014 with the intention to materially and financially help children with birth defects, cancer or other serious illnesses, even 2 years after the end of the organization. We hope that you will enjoy not only our products, but also the fact that their purchase will contribute to a good cause.

In case you would like to join their support more, we attach a link to their website below, thank you!

Chance for Children with Cancer Foundation