
Replacement tips are a great help if your acrylic markers stop working the way you're used to. Definitely don't throw away your markers! The nibs can be easily worn down by the previous coat of paint or you can sand them off on uneven and rough surfaces. In this case, the mark is then not as fine and you need to replace the tips with new ones to keep the marker working for months to come.

The Artmagico pencil case is a lightweight, compact and at the same time inexpensive helper that you will use in any handbag or bag to store your writing utensils. With this lightweight pencil case that doesn't take up space, you'll prevent your purse, bag or backpack from getting dirty. It's made of flexible plastic and its waterproof closure ensures that everything in it stays where it's supposed to.

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penál na fixy
Code: 367
Replacement tips for acrylic markers Artmagico PREMIUM fine tip 1 mm Code: 80210
Replacement tips for acrylic markers Artmagico PREMIUM medium tip 2-3 mm Code: 80227
Náhradní hrot posca 3M Code: 80838