Christmas card

Make your own Christmas card easily - Christmas tree

Why settle for a cheesy commercial card when you can create a personalised card in minutes?

You don't just have the whole process photographed, so it's easy to do.

What you'll need:

  • A5 heavyweight coloured or natural paper (200-300gsm card), folded in half. A simpler option, get blank cards with envelopes from a stationery shop
  • Ruler and pencil
  • Metallic BrushPens and white acrylic marker with extra fine tip 0.7 Artmagico


Using a ruler, mark a triangle in the shape of a Christmas tree on a cardboard quarter with a pencil


Now we use 4 shades of green acrylic Brushpen Artmagico lines to draw our chosen motif - a tree




Then add red balls and a star to the tree for colour contrast


"Snow" with white acrylic marker Artmagico and if you can write, you can add "Merry Christmas!"

Try it too and show us your greeting cards


Beautiful and magical creative day wishes you
