Inspiration for angels on stones

Painting pebbles is a nice pastime that brings a lot of joy. Since the 2nd of November is coming up, we would like to give you inspiration for rhinestones with the motif of angels, who are supernatural beings, messengers between people and gods and are associated with this holiday of the dead.

You can paint a unique angel motif on each stone, combining wings, candlesticks and flowers. Adding subtle details such as gold or silver accents will bring a touch of elegance to your stones. Take inspiration from natural colours to create a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere. Whether you choose to paint traditional angels or create more modern versions of them, your "little" works of art will serve as a beautiful expression of remembrance for those who are no longer with us. Angels are also beautiful as a Christmas motif, and painted rhinestones featuring them can serve as festive decorations throughout the fall and into those beautiful winter holidays.

You can paint on the rhinestones with acrylic markers or acrylic paints, or combine them with each other. If you want to put the pebble outside as a wandering one, be sure to fix the image so it will last as long as possible.

Here's some inspiration for painted angels

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andělský kamínek malován fixy

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malovaný kamínek fixy

milý kamínek s andílkem

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rudý anděl

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okatý andílek

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milý anděl na kamínku

malovaný anděl fixy

kamínek s andělem

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andílek na kamínku

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Anděl na kamínku


Nice autumn days

Your Artmagico