Inspiration for painted cups

Autumn is a beautiful quiet season when the world around us is preparing for hibernation. The leaves of the trees change colours and nature literally makes magic with colours! The weather becomes more and more gloomy, and so people slowly start to be more inside their homes. They put warm socks on their feet and make tea.

To brighten up the gloomy autumn, we have prepared some inspiration for painted mugs that you can brew just the right autumn scented tea in! Just grab your acrylic markers and choose "your" picture.

It is important to fix the painted mug. Since the surface of the mug is made of a non-porous material, the mug will not remain abrasion resistant and should only be washed by hand. However, if it is fixed by baking in the oven, the mug becomes waterproof. Alternatively, the paint on the mug can be fixed with a porcelain varnish.

Here are our suggestions for how such hand-painted mugs could look like. We hope you will choose your own design!


Artmagico malovaný hrnek

Artmagico namalovaný hrnek

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You can show off your painted mugs to us on Instagram, using the hashtag #artmagico_official.

Pleasant autumn days and evenings with a painted mug wishes your Artmagico