Pot plugs made of cold porcelain

Today we have a photo tutorial for interior decoration in the form of flower pot plugs. It's such a nice little thing to brighten up and cheer up your interior. We have chosen a heart motif, which is synonymous with love, which is never enough. It is also suitable as a nice gift for your friends, colleagues, grandmothers and mothers. And since Valentine's Day is coming up, it's more than appropriate.

Valentine's Day is a holiday of love and romance, celebrated on February 14 every year. This day is named after Saint Valentine, who according to legend was one of the Roman Christian martyrs. It is celebrated mainly in Western countries, but is becoming increasingly popular around the world.

Valentine's Day is traditionally celebrated by exchanging small gifts, flowers and romantic cards. Whether you are in a relationship or not, Valentine's Day provides an opportunity to express and celebrate love and feelings of all kinds.

zápichy v květináči

Step-by-step instructions for the heart shapes

Our matches are made from cold porcelain, painted with acrylic markers and glued to the skewers with a hot glue gun.

What you will need to make

1 cup of baking soda

1/2 cup starch (either potato or corn)

3/4 cup water


baking paper

a rolling pin for the dough

cookie cutters

acrylic markers

acrylic paints


melting gun


First of all, we must warn you that you cannot create the matches in one day, the cold porcelain mass must be allowed to dry, which can take about 24-72 hours depending on the thickness and temperature in the room. So please allow for that. The batch will make approximately 45 pieces of ornaments, depending on the size of the cutouts. So it's great to make some Christmas or autumn decorations that you can then use throughout the seasons.

The cold porcelain itself is made as follows. Put the soda, starch and water in a pan, stir well and let the mixture heat up and thicken (it may take about 10 min), the mixture should be thick like e.g. gingerbread dough. Then transfer the mixture to baking paper, wrap it and let it cool down a little so that you can knead the mixture with your hands to form a dough-like mass.

Then roll out the mixture into a smooth and thin layer. Use the cutters to cut out the shapes. You can also colour the mass with acrylic paint.

 přidání barvy do hmoty

Work the paint into the mass - ideally don't touch the paint and fold the mass over to work the paint in. This way you won't get your hands dirty.

 zpracování hmoty

vyválení hmoty

Once the paint has evenly coloured the mass, you can roll it out and cut out the shapes. The paint in the dough does not stain the surroundings, no need to worry.

cerveny studeny porcelan

Place the finished ornaments on a flat surface and let them dry as we wrote above - this can take between 24-72 hours. You can then pick up acrylic markers or paints and decorate your hearts according to your imagination and taste. We used the Pro Line acrylic markers.

malování porcelánu

srdce ze studeného porcelánu

You can now glue the ornaments to the skewers using a hot glue gun. Be careful how you handle the hot glue gun so you don't get burnt by the hot glue mixture. In a short while you will have your matches ready. You can also punch holes in the hearts and hang them somewhere, glue them on paper cards, etc.

zápichy do květináčů ze studeného porcelánu

Enjoy creating with this creative material. For more inspiration, continue to follow us and show us your creations in our inspirational FB group Artmagico - inspiration for creative creation.

Video tutorial here


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